Withdrawal from Courses
A student with seven classes may request that one course be dropped and a study hall added. This transaction must take place before the first deficiency reports are issued. Discontinuation after this time will result in receiving a grade of F for the remainder of the semester. Such requests need both parental and teacher permission.
Any request for course changes must be made before the start of the semester. Teacher and parental permission are required for any course change. In considering a request for a course withdrawal, input will be sought from the classroom teacher, parent, counselor and student. The principal or his/her designee will make the final decision.
The steps involved to receive a course change are as follows:
- Student/parent must contact the teacher and counselor.
- Parent meeting should be scheduled to decide the best placement for the student. Those in attendance should include the student, parent, teacher, counselor and administrator. *This step may be eliminated if the parent and teacher are in agreement.
- The teacher who will be affected must also be contacted to determine the dynamics the potential change would create in the new course.