Student Services Information » Grading System & Cumulative GPA

Grading System & Cumulative GPA

Valparaiso High School’s grading system is as follows
98 – 100 A+          77 – 79 C+
 93 – 97 A                73 – 76 C    
90 – 92 A-               70 – 72 C- 
87 – 89 B+              67 – 69 D+
83 – 86 B                63 – 66 D   
80 – 82 B-               60 – 62 D- 
                                      59 + Below F

When calculating a student’s grade at the end of a marking period, percents ending with 0.5 or higher are to be rounded to the next higher percent. For example, 87.5% should be rounded to 88%.


Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) is figured for all students at the end of each semester. Junior and Senior honor courses with the grade of “A”, “B” or “C” receive one extra point. All other grades are equal with the exception of “honors.”
(H) A+= 5.30               A+= 4.30
(H) A = 5.00                A = 4.00
(H) A- = 4.70               A- = 3.70
(H) B+= 4.30               B+= 3.30
(H) B = 4.00                B = 3.00
(H) B- = 3.70              B- = 2.70
(H) C+= 3.30              C+= 2.30
(H) C = 3.00               C = 2.00
(H) C- = 2.70              C- = 1.70
(H) D+= 1.30              D+= 1.30
(H) D = 1.00               D = 1.00
(H) D- = 0.70              D- = 0.70
Points are added and divided by the number of grades figured. This determines the G.P.A.

The Honor Roll is based on all courses. The Honor Roll requirement is a minimum of six classes with two lists based on a GPA of 3.3 to 3.69 or 3.7 to 5.3.

Report cards will go home at the end of the nine weeks-grading period. Cards will be distributed the last period of the day just prior to students being excused for the day except the last grading period when cards are mailed. 
Progress reports will be available on Edline weekly when school is in session. If parents desire a conference concerning progress reports or report cards, they should first contact the individual teacher or counselor.


Most classes will have final examinations each semester. The grading system, for those classes, which have finals to determine a final grade, is as follows:
A+ =  12           B+  = 9           C+  =  6           D+ =  3
A   =  11            B  =  8             C   =  5            D   =  2
A- =   10            B- =  7            C-  =  4            D-  =  1
F   =    0

Final examination counts 1/5 of the semester grade. The 9 weeks grades count double value. The 9 weeks grades are assigned a numerical value from the above scale and doubled. The three values are added and divided by 5.

Only on a rare occasion would a student receive a passing grade for a course after receiving 2 failing grades out of the 3 grades issued (2 nine-week grades and l semester exam).
The Honor Roll is based on all courses.