Attendance Policies
Attendance policies
Absent from school
- Parents or legal guardians are requested to call the 24-hour attendance voicemail line at 219-531-3070. If a call is not received by 9:00 a.m. the day after the absence, the absence may be considered unexcused. You may call the attendance office as far in advance as possible. Absences can be scheduled months in advance.
- A telephone call will be required each day the student is absent unless prior arrangements have been made. Other ways to contact the Attendance Office include: emailing - [email protected] or through Skyward.
- When reporting an absence, the parent or guardian should give the following information:
- their name and relationship to student
- student’s name (please spell) and grade in school
- reason for absence
- the date of absence
- contact phone number
- Upon returning to school the day following an absence, the student should go directly to class.
- Doctor notes can be faxed to: 219-531-3076 or emailed to [email protected].
Coming late to school
Students must sign in at the Attendance Office upon returning to school that day or arriving at school after the school day begins, even if returning or leaving during a passing period.
- Parents or legal guardians will need to inform the office as to why the student is late with a phone call, email or note.
- Tardiness to school due to oversleeping, weather and/or car trouble will not be excused.
Leaving school early
If a student needs to leave the school building during the school day, parents or legal guardians will need to inform the Attendance Office in one of two ways:
- When possible send a note to school with your student and have them show it to the Attendance Office at the beginning of the day and that will be their pass out of class.
- Parents or legal guardians can also leave a voicemail with the attendance office requesting the release of their student. Please understand that it will take a minimum of 30 minutes for the pass to be delivered and your student released from school.
- All students must sign out with the attendance office before leaving the school. Failure to properly sign in or out could result in the student’s absence being marked as unexcused or truant.