Academics » Naturalization Exam

Naturalization Exam

As part of the United States government credit awarded for the general, Core 40, Core 40 with academic honors, and Core 40 with technical honors designation, each high school shall administer the naturalization examination provided by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.  The Indiana Department of Education must report the General Assembly no later than November 1st each year the following:

The number of students who took the naturalization exam,

The number of students who passed the naturalization exam by a score of not less than 60% on their first attempt,

The pass rate of the naturalization exam.

Each school is also required to post the results on the school website no later that November 1st for the previous year.

 Naturalization Exam
 # Students Tested #  Students Passing On First Try Passing Rate For All Students
Semester 1 113 113 100%
   Naturalization Exam
 # Students Tested  #  Students Passing On First Try  Passing Rate For All Students
Semester 1 170 168 98.82%
            Semester 2                   203                    202               99.51%
Naturalization Exam 2022-2023 # Students Tested # Students Passing
On First Try
Pass Rate for
All Students
 Semester 1  153 150 98.04%
Semester 2
218 217 99.54%
Naturalization Exam
# of students
# of students passing
on first try
 Passing Rate For All Students
  317 315 99.4%