Academics » ILEARN Biology ECA


To the Parents/Guardians of and to our current Biology Students, 

Each year, the Indiana Department of Education requires all students who are enrolled in a Biology course to participate in an End-of-Course-Assessment (ECA). This assessment, ILEARN Biology ECA, assesses the Indiana Academic Standards for Biology. The ILEARN Biology ECA is a criterion-referenced summative assessment that takes place during the school day and contains two parts, the Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT) and the Performance Task (PT). This assessment is untimed, but typically takes three class days to complete since we have approximately 50 minute class periods. Students are encouraged to take their time and complete test segments at their normal pace.

For more information about the ILEARN Biology ECA, please click on the following link: (English) (Spanish)


All students will need to have their VHS-issued Chromebook with them to test. Testing will occur during their Biology class so there will not be any missed classes as a result of testing. In the event a student misses any portion of the exam, he or she will be contacted upon returning to school with makeup information. 

This year, Valparaiso High School Biology teachers will be administering this exam starting the last week of April. Here’s is the expected layout of this week: 

Monday, April 26

Tuesday, April 27

Wednesday, April 28

Thursday April 29

Friday, April 30

CAT (Start)

CAT (Finish)

E-Learning Day

Remote Students Test ILEARN Biology ECA



Remote Students

Remote students who are currently enrolled in a high school Biology course must also complete this assessment. VHS will be hosting the ILEARN for remote students on Wednesday, April 28th. Students are invited in to start testing at 7:56a.m. Testing locations will be shared with all Remote students taking the ILEARN Biology ECA in the next few weeks. While we are aware that this is an E-Learning day, we feel that this time provides the students with the best opportunity to participate in the assessment while not missing any live-streamed classes the other four days of the school week. 

Wednesday, April 28th Schedule for Remote Students





Students arrive & report to Testing Location

ILEARN Practice Test

CAT Exam

PT Exam

*Please note, these times are based upon the average time taken to complete the exam segment in years past. Timing may fluctuate based upon individual need. Since this is an “untimed” exam, VHS cannot guarantee an exact stop time for each section. 

Test Day Protocol

Please refer to the VHS Return to Learn plan and do a self screening at home prior to coming into the building. If you have any of the following symptoms please stay home.

  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • New and uncontrolled cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting or Abdominal Pain
  • New onset of severe headache

Also, if you have been exposed or live within the same household of an individual that has been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home.

If you have any questions, please contact your Biology teacher, your counselor, or your assigned administrator.

Thank you, 

VHS Administration